Saturday, March 29, 2014


We had a mini orientation this evening, and were introduced to Dr. McDougall and his wife Mary. They gave us an overview of the program, and some ideas as to what we would be up to this week. Here are a few important parts that I picked out:

1) It's all about the food. There will always be food available throughout the week. Meals will be served buffet stye, and there will be plenty of snacks available in between meals. One should never feel like they are not getting enough to eat while here. Snacks include a lot of raw veggies, hummus, crackers, fruit, and tea.

2) They don't call it "vegan." The couple both mentioned that they do not refer to this as a vegan program. No, they will not be serving any type of dairy, eggs, or any animal product whatsoever, but plant-based is the preferred term. This is to emphasize that no matter what type of diet you follow after you leave Santa Rosa, you can always be adding more veggies to your plate.

3) Let them eat sugar. And salt. And brownies? Most of the food here will be prepared without salt or sugar, but both will be available on dining tables for us to use as we please. This is to show you that cooking excessively with salt and sugar isn't necessary. If you really want to enhance the taste of your food, sprinkle a little on your meal at the end to be sure that you're not over doing it. And the brownies? For dessert tonight we had some brownies from a black bean base. They were moist, chewy, and everything you want a brownie to be. Oh yeah, and made out of BLACK BEANS! How cool is that?

Unfortunately I was too busy piling my plate with Italian Potato Salad, Lasagna, and fresh veggies galore to take any pictures, but I'll start with the food pics for breakfast tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we start bright and early with a 6am blood draw and blood pressure check. I've been traveling since 5am, and this has certainly been a whirlwind. I look forward to tomorrow, and getting to know team members who are representing Whole Foods Market across the country.

Goodnight for now, and healthy dreams : )
The view from my room
My McDougall Swag Bag complete with detailed daily schedule

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